Water Distribution Project
Summer 2018 was extremely harsh for Iraq and its citizens due to high temperatures and drought. This time was very difficult for every living being in Iraq but certain groups of people suffered the most.
Refugees living in camps and villagers inhabiting remote villages had little chance to get access to clean water. Always ready to support those in need, Al-Burhan Foundation didn’t hesitate to aid those who suffered the most.
We are Al-Burhan Foundation - a non-profit organization orperating all across Iraq, with head offices in Baghdad and Kut.
To help rebuild our wonderful nation back to its former glory. Together we are working for a better Iraq.
Constructing homes, providing education and rebuilding lives of underprivileged people all across the country.
Al-Khadra refugee camp inhabited by the families who had to flee Mosul in 2014 was first to receive help. ABF’s trucks delivered fresh and clean water and water filters have been installed for the health of the inhabitants.
Due to persistent shortages of electricity, diesel and gas were provided as well. Joy of every resident had no limits: the adults didn’t have to worry about the wellbeing of their relatives anymore and children were overwhelmed with happiness due to small gifts they received from the Foundation. Even a disabled boy, who would normally struggle to play with his peers, could now enjoy an electric car and share his happiness with his friends.
Al-Burhan Foundation strives to bring ease to the vulnerable inhabitants of Iraq and to give them chance for a bright future. ABF is fully committed to rebuild and develop Iraq and its inhabitants. Through it numerous charity endeavours, ABF already helped hundreds of families and it won’t cease its actions unless the wellbeing of the Iraqi citizens will be restored.
Al-Burhan Foundation
Al-Burhan Foundation is a non-profit, charitable organisation which was founded to help rebuild Iraq to become a sustainable and prosperous country. Our mission is to play a leading and effective role in working towards the development of Iraq and its citizens. We aim to improve their living standards by offering housing, healthcare, education and rehabilitation projects of facilities across all sectors.
This determination is projected in a statement by Al-Burhan Group Managing Director Imad Burhan: 'The activity of any modern, international company can hardly be called all-encompassing if important things like charity and sponsorship are missing from its priorities.'
The group participates in a number of projects, ranging from large-scale constructions to simple humanitarian relief and sponsorships of numerous Iraq-based philanthropic agencies. All endeavours serve as a platform upon which ABF can envision an Iraq rejuvenated to its former glory, with comfort and security for all citizens.